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"Wrapped in yellow" by Inverse
"Wrapped in yellow" by Inverse
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Please note: Our format changed as of 10/18/07 – see the front page and full archives for more recent listings. Thanks.

  • wasted beauty 7/31/05 
    Description: surreal drawings without a description (Flash)
    Comments: "I wish you would feel." The anonymous artist states "there is no concept." The site showcases about a dozen drawings against a dreamy soundscape (with volume control), presented via what I think is a beautiful interface. And speaking of beautiful, the drawings are some of best I've seen – all "done with paper, pencil, mind and a little actionscript..."  [robocore.]
  • now 7/30/05 
    Description: photography, coding (art), and words "from the upper right hand area of the USA"
    Comments: If you want to learn about author, Kyle's Letters Home are interesting – glad I took the time to read through them. The site's got hundreds of photos – 26 Light sets for starters – some beautiful shots. Others sets I really enjoyed are Sunsrise/set and Pipe Dreams. There's a whole other side of today's pick, Electrons, which showcases some of Kyle's coding. Or should I say art. Add some illustrations and a few other things – it's quite a creative space
  • rok2 graffiti writer 7/29/05 
    Description: Lay back and enjoy!
    Comments: Selected for its cool original content, today's pick houses the works of a graffiti writer in Innsbruck, Austria who's been at it for almost 10 years. There's also pieces done with the BDMSK-crew from Poland, which Rok2 joined in 2000. Besides dozens of works on walls, there's big productions and works done on canvas. Rok2's style has changed several times through the years, but all his work is quite unique and colorful. Lay back and enjoy!  []
  • rundblick 7/25/05 
    Description: panorama pictures of Croatia, Spain, Ireland, and Germany, plus illustrations and other photos (Flash)
    Comments: The site's name, which is also the pseudonym of its author, translates into English as "panorama." And he should keep that name 'cause his 360° panoramic photos from various countries simply rock! "A ticket for a journey." There's another section of photography on Rundblick's to-do list, plus a nice little showcase of illustrations. I like the interface too... 
  • Lake Detrus 7/19/05 
    Description: experimental trippy graphic design
    Comments: Listed in the zone for almost 2 years, I bumped into the site again this morning. And my, was it green! Trippy visual creations and photos plus big colorful goodies for the desktop. Experimental is a good thing...;~))
  • break into pieces 7/14/05 
    Description: gallery of Lomos (Flash)
    Comments: If you like Lomo photos, you'll enjoy this collection of recent shots by Japanese photographer Yoshiyuki Yatsuda. Photos scale nicely to your window size – very cool interface (though a sound control would make it even better). Some magical images here...;~)) 
  • 7/5/05 
    Description: urban art
    Comments: You might encounter Kryot engaging in some urban intervention though more natural settings aren't out of the question. Found on walls, sometimes inside, its colorful style is bound to grab ya...  []
  • pHreak 7/3/05 
    Description: free space for strange stuff
    Comments: "We're getting over 50 membership applications a day. Most of these are total losers so we ignore them..." Apparently, the control pHreaks are a picky trio when it comes to giving out free space. They're looking for strange stuff, but if you submit something lame, be prepared for a little public humiliation. Then again, if you're a true pHreak, you just might get the free space you asked for. Within the pHreakiverse, you'll find a variety of sites they did accept, from kult-ur to muzik to activism. And yes, most of them are strange. Wear yer sunglasses and have pHun! 
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