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"Almost like Picasso" by Jonn Leffmann
"Almost like Picasso" by Jonn Leffmann
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Please note: Our format changed as of 10/18/07 – see the front page and full archives for more recent listings. Thanks.

  • Colourcountry 9/25/04 
    Description: a collection of things
    Comments: "The trouble with diaries is they're badly organised. Not disorganised, actively, badly organised."  That's one of the things I like about the site – it's more freeform in structure – wiki-like, organizing content through its contextual threads rather than by date.  It make sense (to me anyway), especially because the content is so varied.  Then there's the clean, minimal design – like that too.  Most of all, though, it's the content.  Amusing stuff.  Why inflict your reader with highly verbose (and possibly stuffy) music reviews when 80 columns will do the job?  Each review is just 56-characters long.  And I don't know why but I really like photographs of London – never been there except via the web and today's pick has some of those too.  There's other entertaining scratchings too – a neat little personal not-a-blog...;~))  
  • but she's a girl... 9/23/04 
    Description: weblog of a biologist, Apple/Unix geek, audiophile, avid reader and film buff, and amateur photographer
    Comments: The Femina geekoides is a little "different from the rest of female-kind" and the girl who goes by bsag heads "straight for the computer/hi-fi magazines aisle."  One of the reasons she created the weblog is to say "hi, you're not alone" to all the other female geeks out there.  It's got personality and a nice design to boot...
  • Doubleperf 9/16/04 
    Description: film, music, travel, photography, and other observations
    Comments: I love the first shot in a series of over 100 pics from a recent trip to Iceland.  Another neat project, a directory to photo booths in 9 U.S. states plus London (so far, that is), which I discovered via Axis of Ævil, is actually what led me to the site.  Brian's into running, music, travel, nostalgia, and the local scene at home in Massachusetts – the blog's an intereresting mix.  But all those photographic projects on the sidebar, like the 2 mentioned above, are really cool in my opinion – and so is Brian's Amherstiana site...
  • SimpleThings Magazine 9/13/04 
    Description: visual art zine (Flash)
    Comments: There's 9 contributors featured in the current volume ("Volume N2") and it's full of great visual art – illustration, design, and photography – slick!  And the word is a new issue should be appearing soon... 
  • 9/12/04 
    Description: a photoblog from Dublin, Ireland
    Comments: I love this photo.  This shot too.  I also like the fact that you can browse by monthly sets of thumbnails or by the big list of all photo titles.  A web developer/amateur photographer hailing from Dublin, Caitriona has been "finding it much easier to describe things with pictures rather than words" lately – you can file that under good things... 
  • unfolding 9/4/04 
    Description: images, words, spirit (Flash)
    Comments: I thought the content was limited until I reloaded the main page and found the key to a number of other series, each one including its own reflection, devotion, impression, and illusion.  Beautiful images and words throughout – a quiet sense of spirit – impressive...
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