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"Old Bath" by Roland Bühlmann
"Old Bath" by Roland Bühlmann
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Please note: Our format changed as of 10/18/07 – see the front page and full archives for more recent listings. Thanks.

  • We Come In Peace 8/19/02 
    Description: some strange tales with some strange creatures (Flash)
    Comments: Drag the "little monster" towards one of the "stoneballs" and he'll eat it to launch a funny episode.  The monster has an existence similar to the coyote in the old Road Runner cartoons – I think that's why I find it all so funny.  There's 5 episodes and every one of them is a real gas – today's pick is serving up real entertainment – some of best Flash-based cartoons I've encountered.  So – take yer browser to today's pick for a few minutes, drag and eat, and enjoy (and don't worry, if your boss catches you watching, he/she will probably laugh their ass off, too)...
  • storyabout 8/2/02 
    Description: make and save anything you want with "16 balls" plus other works (Flash)
    Comments: If I'm not mistaken, the Korean designer behind today's pick goes by the nickname of "hansorry."  Though I can't read the content in his diary or on the message board, I found something here that's most amusing – "you have only 16 balls but i think you make anything you want" is the message you'll get if you choose to "make" a piece for gallery.  It's challenging and, call me silly, a lot of fun.  Another thing I really liked was "Flash Works" which showcases some of hansorry's actionscript savvy.  There's also a number of photo projects – though I couldn't read his descriptions about each project, that's fine because one doesn't need to speak the language to appreciate the images... and I did.  To those of you who've noticed a string of Flash picks this week, rest assured I have some non-Flash thingies in the queue coming up for you, but for today, enjoy hansorry's colorful site and make something with 16 balls...
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