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"Silvergull" by Jonn Leffmann
"Silvergull" by Jonn Leffmann
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Please note: Our format changed as of 10/18/07 – see the front page and full archives for more recent listings. Thanks.

  • stenkat 10/29/04 
    Description: graphism, sketchz, photography, and web+animation (Flash)
    Comments: I'm not crazy about the browser window being forced to fill my larger desktop, especially when a site fits just fine in my "normal window" size of 1024x768 (just a personal preference). But I am crazy about the dozens of graphisms and sketchz showcased in Stenkat's portfolio (along with some artsy photos and other works) and really like the site's style and Flash interface. And I just love those 6 kitty pics you'll hopefully find when you visit today's pick – maow...;~)) 
  • fourteen places to eat 10/27/04 
    Description: a visual diary of life in a small town
    Comments: "Walkerton was the last place I ever thought I would move back to." It's a small town with a population of around 3,000. Beautiful surroundings and real people. And it's got 14 restaurants, about which Kay says, "I imagine I'll photograph all of them before this project is complete." Daily life in a small town... 
  • odd wall 10/13/04 
    Description: get ready - graffiti art collection
    Comments: "The surprise upside to looking for an apartment is the chance to walk down new streets!"  Graffiti.  Find your way to "the makers" – a long list of artists and their colorful art on walls – some of the best around, period.  Then check out "eureka" for newer stuff (by month).  Yeah, baby! 
  • 10/11/04 
    Description: drawings + paintings by nikolaus baumgarten
    Comments: The collection of sketches, paintings, and digital art is extraordinary.  Just my opinion.  It's original art.  A real collaborative gem (Shockwave) was my entrypoint.  Thankful...
  • The Free Words Project 10/10/04 
    Description: Copies of a free book are placed in bookstores and libraries creating an art situation that infiltrates public and commercial space – what someone does when they come across a copy is up to them.
    Comments: If you're on the street and come across the hot pink sticker that identifies the project, look for the nearest bookstore or library and you just may find one or more of the 3,000 copies of a free book distributed throughout the U.S. and a dozen other countries by volunteers.  If you do find one, take it and do what you like with it – its 13,000 words are in the public domain.  To artist Sal Randolph (who's a poet and DJ too), the book FREE WORDS is an art object infiltrating public and commercial space and each book will end up having its own unique story.  Personally, if I found one of the books, I'd want to take it home and add some of my own words to it, then return it to the shelf I found it on.  Others may want to do something entirely different, like just keep it or maybe doodle on it and pass it along to a friend.  The site shares sightings & stories plus many "links to free culture."  You can also read the book online or download a copy.  Though the book's content is described as a list of words, it seems more a stream of words to me – in either case, the words belong to everyone and the project opens up new ways to share them... 
  • 2ddepot: Say Ximo 10/4/04 
    Description: an experimental, interactive Flash project in progress
    Comments: Though it's still very much a work in progress, I couldn't help but to spend time guiding little Ximo through the several rooms that are already in place.  The Saloncito has a TV with a games console attached and, on another corner table, a telephone and a "research point" where Ximo can gather a few documents for you.  The latest news says the telephone now works.  Out in the Entrada, there's the front door of the house though Ximo's not quite ready to go outside yet.  But he can go into the Cocinita where several appliances and other things just might be functioning soon.  Won't say too much more 'cept that it's fun to explore and it should be interesting to see what it all turns into...;~)) 
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