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"At the museum" by Julius Welby
"At the museum" by Julius Welby
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Please note: Our format changed as of 10/18/07 – see the front page and full archives for more recent listings. Thanks.

  • polar inertia journal 5/24/03 
    Description: stories and images weaned from the culture around us
    Comments: Though making the size of those tiny fonts user-adjustable would definitely be an improvement in my opinion, I really like the overall design of this "journal of nomadic and popular culture."  Originally founded in 1993 by a retired mine worker who now spends his time traveling in the West as an art scout, the journal was digitally reborn as a webmagazine last year (if I'm not mistaken).  There's three previous issues in the archives, each one focused on different aspects of "urban infrastructure and nomadic culture."  The current issue features a number of stories and photo series related with airplane storage and desert trailers among other things.  Marcel, the founder, has arrived in Utah and the issue comes directly from the "culture" around him (and his cat Lucy).  Makes for good content.  Mac, the publisher and photographer, is "pursuing urban research among the strip malls and car washes of greater los angeles" and D.M. Speck, who's from Kentucky, is the "resident writer and critic."  All-in-all, a really good mag from some intesting people...
  • Images against war 5/16/03 
    Description: an exhibition of visual statements against war
    Comments: "The exhibition shows works of more than 350 artists" and Tina says more participants are welcome.  The concept is simple.  If you're against war, make a visual statement.  I'm saying no more about this one, as the content amply speaks for itself, documenting real people grappling with real issues in the real world... nicely done.
  • The Black Table 5/1/03 
    Description: wonderfully eclectic site offering an unapologetically diverse collection of writings
    Comments: Eric wrote that his site, which turns 4-months-old next week, features "a wide variety of content that's intellectually challenging and extremely funny."  Wide variety is putting it lightly, as the length of the main page illustrates, and this isn't your typical online magazine.  It's produced on Eric's nickel and all of the content comes "from hard-working people who write for free."  Unlike most magazines, Eric's lacks "a coherent editorial mission that is dictated from one central location."  I'm thinking that just might be something that makes a positive difference in the reader's experience.  What you get is "like a mosaic, with all kinds of bits and pieces glued together" and Eric says "I don't think the picture of what we are is 100% clear yet."  Updated daily, the content's a "marvelous array" of humor with a brain that seems to me to have something for everyone.  Not your typical online magazine.  It's "betrothed to no corporate entity and exists, mainly, because [its] writers want a place to put their work where readers can appreciate it."  As a new reader myself, I guess I'll just say thanks...
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