Please note: Our format changed as of 10/18/07 – see the front page and full archives for more recent listings. Thanks.
Dave's Web Of Lies 2/27/07 Description:
trawling the world's information nets seeking out falsehoods
"How much of what you read can you trust?" One of the Stars of the Month at Ample Sanity, today's pick is "seeking out falsehoods" and shares a new lie daily. There's over 4,000 lies in the searchable/browsable database, but I like random approach myself. "If you were to lay all the chickens in the world end to end they would stretch to the sun and back...........twice." Wait a minute! I thought that was true. "George Bush is actually an undercover Greenpeace member trying to infiltrate the government." No comment. Have fun...;~)) 2/10/07 Description:
A collection of photos by Chris Mrozewski
"I want to know what you think," says Chris, an architectural student in Missouri. Well. There's a photo or two that blew me away. The site's got character. Goodies too. And if you don't mind a few hundred thumbs on one page, here's a good place to start. That's what I think...