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"Capriccio Ristorante" by José Torres
"Capriccio Ristorante" by José Torres
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Please note: Our format changed as of 10/18/07 – see the front page and full archives for more recent listings. Thanks.

  • Cromm Cruac 4/25/05 
    Description: design, 3D stills, and cinematics (Flash)
    Comments: There's some tasty downloadable gifts, but you'll have to collect pieces of the logo found in other sections of the site to get to the goodies. If you start in the cinematics section, be careful 'cause you might forget all about the gifts within a few minutes as your mind becomes immersed in one of its six works. So maybe you wanna start in the 3D gallery instead, but after you find and collect the piece, you will also have found that the works span over a 5-year period and before you know it, you're all engaged again – so when you eventually surface again, don't forget you still have 2 other sections to cover if you wanna get into that gifts area. I know – it's starting to sound like a lot of work, but the road to the goodies is tasty all the way and well worth exploring – enjoy...;~)) 
  • 4/21/05 
    Description: programming, photography and stuff
    Comments: I don't know his name but a thumbnail in my aggregator early this morning reminded me why I visit his site rather frequently – not only for the mini-galleries of photos from home in London and other beautiful places, but also for the blog – some interesting content about programming, music, and other things, plus a choice of color schemes to boot...;~))
  • d-i-n-a 4/13/05 
    Description: public events about extreme and controversial forms of "radical entertainment"
    Comments: "These projects are just a seductive and often surrealistic reaffirmation of ideas that are already in everybody's minds." A "festival of media action and radical entertainment" was held in Barcelona last week, presented by a group of "artists, activists and researchers." The participanting artists, or Influencers, like to "take it to extremes, blow it up, and, finally, throw it back to the public." As far as the group's online presence goes, there's a wealth of interesting content and links. They "infiltrate the media machine... simply using the 'fun' factor to subvert it" – and kinda busy since 2000...  [Joystick]
  • 4/4/05 
    Description: photos from local and more far flung escapades
    Comments: Meet Anne, who's based in beautiful Seattle (home of the Space Needle and nearby natural wonders), and has an eye for vibrant color and amazing composition. She's been to India, Germany, China, and many points in-between. Her photoblog has been online since last August, and her photos – truly extraordinary...;~))
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