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  • Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries Presents 6/15/01 
    Description: collection of words + music via Flash (mature content)
    Comments: It's easy to come up empty in this site picking "business."  I can look at just so many designer portfolio/CV sites before I start longing for content that's broader than a job search and intended for more than just those within the design community.  I guess it's a sign of the times.  So, it's easy to come up empty unless, of course, one keeps an assortment of extraordinary sites in their back pocket so when new site submissions aren't exactly what one is looking for, one has a "plan B" that's even better than "plan A."  Today's pick is coming from the back pocket.  "Why would you hold off on it, then?" is a reasonable question you could ask.  My answer is I'm only aware of the site because another "site picker" (a truly great one, in this case) made me aware of it and I'm not the kinda guy to steal someone else's thunder — call me silly.  The credit for today's pick should go to Glenn Davis, who posted it at the now defunct Astounding Websites way back when he launched the site.  That's how I learned about it and when I first visited today's pick, I was really amazed.  Now that AW is gone, I feel it's a positive thing to pick this one today because if you haven't seen it, you've been missing out on a collection of some the most intelligent and engaging Flash pieces you will ever encounter — that's why they called it astounding, silly...
  • 6/8/01 
    Description: Jon's really neat homepage type thingy.
    Comments: When Jon submitted his site to the ageless project yesterday, I went to grab a screenshot, and immediately noticed the words "PHP/MySQL" in his navigation bar.  I've been looking for resources in that area and his clean and clear navigation at the top of the page certainly helped me get a quick overview of what his site's about.  Anyway — his page of resources turned out to be excellent and I spent a few hours going through several tutorials that were quite helpful.  I then returned to Jon's site to check out more of his extensive content.  The nice design certainly played a part in my wanting to go back there and the fact that the site is called "the official homepage of..." made me want to learn more about the character.  Okay — so I haven't heard of him, but he's been on the web since '95 (according to the copyright notice) and knows a lot about design and development — it shows in his work and his bio and portfolio confirm it.  Damn!  He also seems to know a lot about Diet Coke®, has a section with hundred of photos, and another section with his favorite recipes.  Add plenty of other topical stuff, an extensive bio, rants, and poetry — the content just keeps coming.  The clincher is a personalization feature that works quite well, giving the user a choice of look and feel while flawlessly delivering the same great content.  That leaves me with nothing else to say, but that I agree with Jon when he says "the web is your friend..."
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