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"Afternoon Shadows" by Lewis Moten
"Afternoon Shadows" by Lewis Moten
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Please note: Our format changed as of 10/18/07 – see the front page and full archives for more recent listings. Thanks.

  • 1/19/02 
    Description: a boy and his stuff
    Comments: I saw the picture of David's "inflated zeppelin" foot – ouch! – hoping it heals quickly.  His "Modrian wanna be" is certainly less painful to look at, and it would be cool if "Kneel" eventually showed up as a sculpture on a city street somewhere.  "The Coliseum" is one of the neatest black and white photos I've seen and the "Junkyard Jive" series is fun to browse.  So – He calls the site "Baby and a Shotgun" and the "teetotaler" expecting his "tan chinos to be arriving any day now" seems a clear picture of a down-to-earth Silicon Valley character who's "enjoying the possibility" of succeeding as an artist.  The blog is really the main content of David's site – it just celebrated its "one-year blogiversary" and the post about that from the "god of sorts of this little land" brought an interesting response from a reader – "You know you're the whole reason I started blogging in the first place!"  There's some interesting stuff (and stuff) in the blog – I found the post about driving (1.13.2002) to be insightful – how true!  Check out the "Plates" project, too – vanity plates are a little like domain names, dontcha think?
  • urban delicious 1/18/02 
    Description: special people are in love with you
    Comments: "It's a rock-n-roll party that doesn't stop" says a guy named Alex with a pleasant last name (really!) as you enter... "be special to yourself."  It's 7:10am here in Michigan and I'm dyin' for a corndog with mustard.  After all, the corndog is part of the "specialness" for all "the luscious people that are enjoying this glorious amazing new year. 2002."  A positive vibe hits you immediately and if you go for the piece called "robot love" first, you won't be disappointed.  Expect to bump into a corndog or two in your travels.  The guy with an "inner being" named Sherman is at the helm and you're invited to share in his "spiritual awakening."  Great stuff!  I'm hungry...   [linkdup unfiltered]
  • drifter tv 1/14/02 
    Description: animated features (Flash)
    Comments: The "drifters" are "scout-like figures" that appear in many of "movies."  There's a new featured animation every week and Nils says "With these movies I'm trying to enjoy and to surprise myself......and hopefully, learn something about being human."  There's already 27 pieces and after looking at (and playing with) 6 or 7 of them, I found this cartoon-like stuff to be thought-provoking and engaging.  I'm thinking today's pick could be a useless waste of time for the brain-dead, though if they're lucky, it might wake 'em up a little.  The most recent movie, "it's mine", shows two drifters fighting over one hat as the real world flashes by in the background – I get a definite meaning in my mind from it but I'm keeping it to myself.  Check it out and see what you think...
  • 1/13/02 
    Description: the anteroom of the most beautiful 404 sites of the internet
    Comments: "I noticed that it would be very unfortunate if one would ignore these many creative and wonderful 404 sites" says Desiree – "That's the purpose, nothing more."  Today's pick is a gallery of over 500 custom Error 404 pages – an "art form" unique to the web.  Desiree categorizes each listing, warning that it's "absolutely subjective" – "funky", "freaky", "funny", and "misc" are the categories and I really like the square screenshots she does.  In fact, I think the site design is very tasty, using a color scheme you don't see a lot of and a "dirty" style that's quite artistic.  It's an interesting way to surf, starting at a site's 404 page instead of the home page, especially because most of the listed 404s are really creative.  If you don't know how to customize your 404 page, that's explained here, too.  Cool concept – nice site...
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