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"Cruzamento" by Marcio Toledo
"Cruzamento" by Marcio Toledo
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  • ourcommon 7/20/04 
    Description: graphic design - illustration - photography - short film
    Comments: A beautiful instrumental and kites flying high amidst the clouds over Venice Beach in one of Peter's black & white short films.  In another, dancing children in the streets of Cairo.  Besides 4 Quicktime movies, there's also a number of series of photographs and illustrations plus a quick & dirty design portfolio.  Peter calls it the new york city edition and his creative work is great... 
  • 7/16/04 
    Description: biomechanical transgenic nanotechological artwork (Flash)
    Comments: Just imagine!  If you had a couchbot, you could "perform daily tasks without having to leave the convenience and comfort of your couch" while you make some moolah with your very own advertiseplant.  Peter's inventions are just one vehicle for his cool illustration skills.  There's also nanoworld, a work in progress where bots are propagating, plus sections of silkscreens and sketches.  And I wouldn't wanna forget to mention the robo-generator and Mac icons – it's a colorful and fun Friday... ;~)) 
  • 7/14/04 
    Description: dedicated to showing how to get the most out of creating great graphics with Macromedia Fireworks
    Comments: "I only want to give back what was given to me when I started working with these tools."  Joey, a self-taught web designer whose tools of choice include Dreamweaver and Fireworks, provides over a dozen useful tutorials including 4 videos (via Flash).  There's also a big section of downloadable works produced by other Fireworks enthusiasts.  If you use these tools and want to learn more about creating layouts with them, Joey's 13-page tutorial (at is sure to help...
  • The Japanese Garden 7/11/04 
    Description: the Bowdoin College web site on Japanese gardens (Flash/Quicktime)
    Comments: As the saying goes, now for something entirely different.  From a professor at a college in Maine comes this thorough resource on Japanese Gardens "designed to provide the visitor with an opportunity to visit each garden, to move through or around it, to experience it through the medium of high-quality color images, and to learn something of its history."  Clifton Olds is the educator behind the site who shares a wealth of photos and also wrote all the texts.  Nice use of Quicktime for "Quick tours" of the various gardens – the site's design, layout, and graphics are excellent.  Educationally cool...
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