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"Mazy Hill, Snow" by Ed Wright
"Mazy Hill, Snow" by Ed Wright
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Please note: Our format changed as of 10/18/07 – see the front page and full archives for more recent listings. Thanks.

  • federico carrara 1/25/05 
    Description: works and experiments (Flash)
    Comments: The interface is challenging to say the least, but it is a little on the ingenious side in my opinion. It's the freeform and flowing portfolio of the works of Italian designer and developer Federico Carrera and some of the experiments are downright inspiring...;~))
  • BESOK 1/22/05 
    Description: aerosol art
    Comments: "The bigger the wall the greater the impluse to paint it. A mural makes it much easier to get into contact with the public. Positive or negative - the public must react." Besok's aerosol graphics have been exhibited throughout Europe. Since he discovered spraycan art in 1990, he's accumulated an enormous body of work on walls, as well as canvas, plus he's illustrated several children's books. If you like graffiti style, this is the real deal – enjoy...;~)) 
  • The New Deal 1/9/05 
    Description: a modern musical grounded in the roots of hip-hop (Flash)
    Comments: If the creative team behind this modern musical has its way, it'll end up on the big screen. In the meantime, read the synopsis and enjoy the video and stills gallery – great 3D animation with a beat – it's really quite entertaining...;~))  [linkdup]
  • /1/4/05 
    Description: unmistakably a truly important work
    Comments: The "synergistic hybrid brainchild of three towering intellects" whose bios, incidently, seem a wee far-fetched, today's pick features some cute little critters in both crunchy and wiggly format. The intellects "haven't fully moved in yet," but visitors are more than welcome. You might even learn how to hover a cat while some otter entertainment is in the works...;~))  [Yay Hooray!]
  • Nursery Grotesque 1/3/05 
    Description: "beauty that offends"
    Comments: Thanks to coolstop visitor Alx for letting me know about the site. Today's pick houses the graphics of Greg Richardson, an Australian student majoring in Electronic Design and Digital Imaging. Alx calls Greg's work "very dark, very cool" while Greg calls it "beauty that offends." They're both partially right. While there is a dark and grotesque (sometimes bloody) side to some of the imagery, other works are bright and colorful and hardly offensive. All-in-all, there's some really creative stuff (including some great wallpapers). I'm wondering if those earlier writings Greg mentions, which "dealt with childhood afflictions and the like," are still available anywhere online – sounds interesting...;~))
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