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  • RINZEN 7/20/01 
    Description: exists somewhere over the rainbow, bending reality into shapes pleasing to the eye and the ear (Flash)
    Comments: So — the path to today's pick goes something like this:  coolstop > robocore. > robocore.archive > robocore.archive.5th page > RMXXX > Today's Pick.  Robocore, picked earlier this week, was promptly added to the sidebar as an excellent place from which to explore the web in search of inspiration, and I guess today's pick sorta proves the point.  Okay, so I actually could have picked RMXXX for today — it's produced by some of the same folks who are behind today's pick and features the work of over 30 designers from around the world, all participating in a big "visual remix" — "golden goodness" is what Rilla calls it.  But as cool as that site is, it wasn't exactly what I was seeking at the moment — it wasn't exactly what I had in mind.  So, that link to the final spot on the path, today's pick, was really appreciated.  I ended up on a page with a simple, somewhat mysterious interface and started playing around.  Stickers, posters, characters, CD covers, themed stuff — all kinds of tasty visuals in a backdrop of odd sounds.  This very artisitic portfolio appears to include personal and work samples, but it's all presented simply and unembellished.  Though Rilla and her group are obviously in the design biz, a "mailto" contact link is the only thing you'll find here besides all of the cool stuff in the portfolio.  Wonderful, inspiring diversions (without commercial distractions) are what I was seeking on this particular excursion, and it was at the end of the path where I hit paydirt (everything along the way was really good, too).  Respect goin' out to Rilla and her "collective" for their cool art and designs...
  • terrorpilot|dot|com 7/16/01 
    Description: v 2.0 — "kill all web designers" — experimental flash portfolio. pain in the neck for the new economy. (mature content)
    Comments: The Italian designer who calls himself "swampthing" is one strange dude.  I'd seen the previous version of his site and wasn't sure what to make of it.  This new version, launched earlier this month, has made it all much clearer to me — this kickass designer is one strange dude (not necessarily a bad thing).  When one pulls out all the stops and lets it all out like this guy is doing, you've got to take notice and I'm sure that's what he's been thinking all along.  With a Flash intro that's a cross between Hitchcock, Scream, and Troma (definitely not for the faint-hearted) and a stated mission to "kill all web designers", swampthing is apparently going for the throat here and whether you like or not, you have got to take notice.  The "collective" weblog is an excellent addition to the site, balancing out the madness a bit, and the "covers" are good stuff.  What this site provides is a radical experience — a work of web art that's one of a kind.  What remains to be seen, I guess, is how people will respond to it...
  • singlecell 7/13/01 
    Description: an online bestiary of interactive life-forms
    Comments: It's true.  These little creatures came into being as the new medium evolved.  New life forms, some raised on Java and others fed on various Macromedia nutrients, squirm around the screen waiting for user input.  Input.  We need input to complete our existence.  Wasn't it Paul Simon who said something like "it's all happening at the zoo?"  He was right.  Seems that one of these new beings has come into existence every month since January of this year, and each of the parents also has some other cool things to show ya.  In some cases, the user actually creates the creature "on the fly" or is that creates the fly "on the creature?"  A most interesting site.  Real web art.  Did I tell ya I love the web?
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