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"Crash and Burn" by Caroline Moore
"Crash and Burn" by Caroline Moore
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Please note: Our format changed as of 10/18/07 – see the front page and full archives for more recent listings. Thanks.

  • painted dreams 12/23/03 
    Description: portfolio of the artist anita kreituse
    Comments: I may be just imagining it, but it seems the arrangement of thumbnails on the opening page form the number "23" and I wonder if that's significant.  Anita Kreituse got her diploma from the Latvian Academy of Arts in 1980, which was 23 years ago.  But she had graduated from art school 8 years before that and had started exhibiting her art the following year.  So, whether the "23" means something or not, here's an artist who's been doing it for over 30 years – kudos for that!  Besides her large showcase of paintings and drawings, I also found something interesting in the "profile" section – portraits of the artist, taken by various photographers, going back to the late 70s, including a picture from each of the last 6 months.  The warm smile says it all...
    Follow-up:  Anita let me know that the "23" is for today's date and the arrangement changes daily to match the date.  Pretty cool.  I have to admit it never dawned on [silly] me... ;~))
  • The [real] Texas Chainsaw Massacre 12/14/03 
    Description: coming soon to a forest near you, unfortunately (Flash)
    Comments: I would hope that future generations, let's say in the year 2105, are able to visit places like the Redwood National Park and experience the majestic, centuries-old beauty of the great Sequoias.  Today's pick, a project of GreenpeaceUSA, is a parody "inspired by the true story of the Bush administration's recent unraveling of environmental protections for our national forests."  It drives the point home well, providing some surprising information...
  • Newstoday® 12/8/03 
    Description: design broadcasting network – for a better tomorrow
    Comments: This one's long overdue.  Over the last 2 years, I've reviewed 20 sites found there and it dawned on me over the weekend that I'd failed to add it to the listings.  Today's pick provides a "people's voice platform, public broadcasting system." From what I can see, most of the registered members of the "Alliance Network" are designers, and it's easy to join.  Besides the public broadcast, there's also a news column featuring posts by a "selected team of broadcasters" plus a public discussion area.  The posts are frequent and on any day, you'll find a fresh supply of links to great design sites and other odd and amusing destinations.  A truly great alternative portal, powered by people...
  • Biro-Web 12/7/03 
    Description: made with pens...
    This one's just for the fun...

  • keepsmesane 12/3/03 
    Description: "post traumatic address" - featuring an image scrapbook plus several abstract photo series (Flash)
    Comments: The site opens in a pop-up window and a second pop-up appears upon entering with a message apologizing for a lack of updates.  Apology not necessary, thank you, because there's some really good visual content here.  First, there's the "Zoo Scrapbook" with some knockout graphic designs.  Then, there's 2 parts to the "Abstact Series" of photographs.  One part focuses on signage and street art, while the other looks at what's overhead.  Stuff like this keeps me sane too... Design Radar]
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