Please note: Our format changed as of 10/18/07 – see the front page and full archives for more recent listings. Thanks.
Emily Keegin 10/26/06 Description:
Pink balloons next to the front door. A series of shots of someone doing handstands in the pool. Studies of soap relics. A day at the beach. Lull (my favorite series). Emily's imaginative photographs are very personal glimpses into the people and places in and around her life. And what at first may seem quite mundane can be most engaging...;~))
Breathing Earth 10/5/06 Description:
visual, real-time simulation of the carbon dioxide emission rates, birth rates, and death rates of every country in the world (Flash)
190 people born. 69 people died. 29000 tons of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere. Worldwide in just one minute. Noting it's "only a simulation" but based on real data, today's pick presents figures in real-time for all countries in the world (a few 'tinier' nations lack data and have to be estimated). Impressive Flash presentation, though a bit wider than many (if not most) users' screen resolutions.
milchkleid 10/1/06 Description:
illustration (Flash)
"I stand alone but so connected." The artist in her twenties possesses curious creativity. Her showcase of unique black & white line drawings is full of magnificent characters and odd critters...;~))