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Please note: Our format changed as of 10/18/07 – see the front page and full archives for more recent listings. Thanks.

  • Pictoblog 8/13/03 
    Description: image weblog, updated weekly
    Comments: Each weekly page contains 7 crops of images from around the web, 200x200 in size.  I'd call it an excellent alternative portal to the visual arts and culture.  Each page I checked out led to a variety of interesting sites.  It's been online since last November.  Do the math and today's pick offers hours of enjoyable exploration.  Though this site is relatively new, Nemo Nox, its creator, has been doing the webthing since '97 and the Brazilian press has called him everything from "weblog pioneer" to "Lord Internet" to "one of the most active people on the Brazilian cultural web."  I used an online translator to read a few of the articles about him – they love this guy!  Then, I checked out his images section – I love this guy too...
  • BlogShares 8/10/03 
    Description: fantasy blog share market
    Comments: Okay.  I gotta get something outta my system today.  Maybe it's because I just can't get the site outta my system that it's time to make sure it's listed here at coolstop.  And Sunday's a good day to do it, when things are quiet, 'cause Lord knows I use quite enough of Seyed's bandwidth already.  It's not the type of site I typically review but it certainly is special.  If you haven't heard of the site yet, I wish you a safe journey back from whatever planet you've been on...

    I've been spending at least 1-2 hours a day there for the last few months.  It's more fun than any other site I've frequented.  Did I say fun?  Let me rephrase that.  Addictive!  That's what it is.  It's caught on like wildfire with thousands playing the game.  I love it and have to recognize it for what it is – a truly unique website.  And while I'm at it, counting my phony moolah, let me mention that what it's really about is helping people find new and interesting websites, which it does quite well in the context of the game.  That's what I call cool.  I want to be sure to point out that you don't have to pay to play, unless of course, you just can't enough of it like me.  Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go call my accountant...

  • 8/2/03 
    Description: an ever-growing collection of experimental Flash installments that span both interactive and static mediums
    Comments: The latest experiment is the "DNA Generator," which "makes a nice random pattern."  Indeed.  That piece, contributed by one of Benjamin's friends, is just one of 29 experimental Flash works on display here.  Each one has information on scripting   the site will probably appeal most to those who work with Flash and want to learn more.  They'll also like the fact that the source code is available for downloaded – see "About" for more information and disclaimers.  Benjamin ("otherwise known as 'b'") has been working with Flash for years and calls the site "a digital sketchbook that allows [him] to explore Flash as well as help educate others and develop in a collaborative environment."  As always, I appreciate the help that a site like b's provides... 
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