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"Wood" by Simone Sbarbati
"Wood" by Simone Sbarbati
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prior listings

Please note: Our format changed as of 10/18/07 – see the front page and full archives for more recent listings. Thanks.

  • black hand 2/25/00 
    Description: viral overflow: personal webspace and showcase of creative works
    Comments: This guy's a really good illustrator and his webspace seems to have a flavor of espionage and mystery.  Going by an alias and calling himself the key suspect, he shares what he creates - cool drawings, a personal journal, prose and photography.  And the interface is very life-like and engaging.  His artistic flair and true personality do show through the fictional character (or not) that he speaks through - I like the theme and style of this one. (thanks perfect!)
  • 2/24/00 
    Description: home of The Secret Garden of Mutabor, an online adventure puzzle and showcase of design and illustration
    Comments: It's literally like stepping into a different world.  Colorful and intriguing graphics and effects.  The main attraction is a Flash online adventure puzzle that'll mystify you with sights and sounds.  Along with that, you'll find an excellent showcase of illustration, graphic and web design and fonts.  By the way, there's a lot of content for you even you don't have Flash.  Today's winner is a truly unique site!
  • 2/13/00 
    Description: ryan's virtual playpen - the tallest site on this great web of ours
    Comments: The new year is bringing on a number of new personal websites by young creatives that are really good.  Today's winner appears to be a simple weblog at first but that's just the entrance.  This guy's talented and honest - a lot of good content, including a journal, photography and thoughtfully selected quotes that reflect his true personality.  The unique navigation scheme of this site is excellent - nicely interconnected with multiple ways to keep you moving.  Nice work!
  • Fairvue Central 2/1/00 
    Description: The features and elements of Nikolai Nolan
    Comments: At first, it seemed to me to be a weblog with style.  Then I realized it was really a stylish personal site more than anything else, and the weblog was just part of it.  Cool wallpapers to download, a top 90 of the 90s list with Real Audio clips and other engaging features (check the archives).  So, I'm just wondering if this guy realizes what a really good designer he is...:)
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