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  • [ nosource ] 8/27/00 
    Description: It's about voxel, fragmentations, experiments, guestdesigners, submicroscopic, yourfutureself (Flash)
    Comments: I'm really not sure what to make of this site.  I'm still checking it out as I write this... using Flash to the hilt, this appears to be one of those sites that's experimenting with media more than anything else.  "Where's the content?" I ask myself as I continue playing with the somewhat blind navigation.  And what's with that "height map data" thing, anyway?  I really don't get it.  But there is something intriguing here -- it appears to be a little inspirational portal and showcase of sorts, if anything, but it certainly lacks clarity -- maybe the lack of clear structure and real content is something we need sometimes -- maybe it balances out things.  I discovered two new cool sites right off the bat, even though I could barely read the names that appeared as I moused over the little thing that looks like a radiator.  The little news window is also hard to read.  So here I am picking a site because, for some reason, the lack of clear navigability and use of words that I think they made up and the challenge of trying to figure out the purpose or motivation behind it all added up to my becoming interested.  There's a piece called "submicroscopic" that entertained me for a few minutes, and the hot spots on the main page have some cool mouseovers, but all and all, I really can't tell you why I picked it... maybe I just thought that pointing it out to you might provide yet another useless diversion that the web seems to have an overabundance of... maybe I'm just curious to know if others find it engaging or not.
  • spent2000 8/15/00 
    Description: the post millennium conundrum - world domination through deconstruction & design
    Comments: Today's pick is a step into the future... somewhat of a mystery that you dive into and wonder about as you take in the multimedia attack on your senses.  Tim Nolan a/k/a Webjunky apparently has some visions to share that defy the expected and the usual, though with a little patience a lot of open mind, the user can taste the meanings behind it all without really understanding any of it.  The Flash intro is subtle and demonstrates an uncanny sense of timing and balance, and the three directions you can choose to go to from there each provide a unique mulitimedia experience.  If I had to categorize the trio of sites that make up today's winning "site" in a word, it would have to be entertainment... web-based entertainment.  As far as web design goes, it's as good as it gets.  If you're a modern web surfer with a basic set of plug-ins installed on your system, thanks for visiting and please come back to CoolSTOP tomorrow -- but for now, take your plug-ins and check out today's winner -- it's an excellent way to spend the time...
  • the art of Neil McIrvine 8/14/00 
    Description: "a comprehensive amount of my artwork from 1993 onwards"
    Comments: Australian artist Neil McIrvine has no formal training in art, but his oil paintings are masterful.  "Call it what you will, I believe it's a thing you can't be taught, you either have it or you don't. I believe everyone on this earth has a gift, be it writing, dancing, football, athletics, any one of hundreds of things, but it's Art for me. Follow your own gift."  I like the attitude.  Today's pick is Neil's gallery of works and I like the clean, straightforward design.  Unlike most sites of this type, when you click through to one of the galleries, you immediately get the first one or two pieces on display with easy navigation to the next page.  Compared to the typical "thumbnails" approach, sometimes I like getting right to the content with as few clicks as possible -- though I do like the thumbnails approach, this is an interesting change of pace.  Neil displays works from 1993 to the present, sorted into galleries by year, with two additional galleries pertaining to his current exhibitions in Melbourne.  Well-designed, nicely organized, fast loading, easy to navigate, and rich in original content... it's a winner, for sure.
  • Pixy-Led 8/7/00 
    Description: "To find oneself heading in a totally different direction than the way intended and no amount of re-alignment of the course seems to put it right."
    Comments: When a personal site helps the viewer gain perspective on their own life, it's like magic -- maybe the same type of magic that many find in reading a good book or seeing a great movie.  That temporary escape from the reality of the moment into someone else's reality is what keeps many of us sane, I guess.  We all need diversions to stay balanced and staying on track is sometimes a matter of daring to take the side roads on the way to our own clarity -- our own understanding of the world around us.  Whoa!  I guess what I'm trying to say here is that when someone like Tamini dares to share the details of her emotions, her dreams, and her soul through her website, it's a powerful experience for the user who pays attention to it all... I guess what I'm trying to say is that I was somewhat moved by her honesty about what makes her tick.  From "Idle Prattle" to "Managerie" to "Self", I found myself totally engaged - I can relate to many of her experiences and though I don't have any friends quite as extreme as Paco, I can certainly understand why she has such respect for him.... mysterious enough for you?  That was intentional (hehe) - you'll just have to check out today's pick to understand.
  • The Art Filled Eye 8/5/00 
    Description: to see... like your eyes do
    Comments: "With my newly redesigned site I hope to take it to the next level" says Jason and though it looks like he's still putting it together, this site is clearly on its way to great things.  There's a certain kinda spirit operating here that I've grown to appreciate... in fact, if I had to define what the web means to me, sites like this could be quite helpful in helping me express it.  Jason is inspired and wants to inspire others... his creativity is vibrant and the urge to express and share tempered by the need to say something meaningful seems to be part of the force behind the window.  The single desktop available in his download section called "a fire in the sky tonight" seems to best show what Jason is envisioning -- I think it's profound and this section is one that I hope he expands... he promises to add some screensavers, too.  His simple portfolio shows a few websites he's done and a number of 3D pieces that are most unique and colorful, and the experimental section is another unfinished part of the site that I'm looking forward to seeing.  With the tasty design and original graphics throughout this site still in my mind as I write this, I want to reach out to Jason with a thank you and the hope that what's coming will be here soon... like Jason, we're all looking for a little fresh inspiration to keep our spirit alive!
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