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"the art of aging" by Joe Jenett
"the art of aging" by Joe Jenett
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prior listings

Please note: Our format changed as of 10/18/07 – see the front page and full archives for more recent listings. Thanks.

  • what about the plastic animals? 4/30/06 
    Description: pictures from Harlem and other places
    Comments: "Joe lives in Harlem. He walks around a lot and takes pictures of what he sees. He will be your friend if you feed him ice cream." I've been following Joe's blog for months now – an ongoing source of pleasant surprises in my feed reader. He and his camera have been on the road lately and yesterday's Carhenge post, with photos from a place near Alliance, Kansas, was the perfect reminder to send you his way... 
  • d.u artworks 4/25/06 
    Description: paintings and drawings by Daniela Uhlig
    Comments: When I saw this, I just had to see more of Daniela's artworks. She's mostly into painting but recently, out of necessity, started doing digital works as well. Her gallery of people and other creatures is fantastic in my opinion.
  • Setlist Music Photography 4/18/06 
    Description: collection of concert photos and setlists plus related resources (Flash)
    Comments: Andrew's certainly been plugged in to the local concert scene in Tasmania, documenting his experiences through dozens of photo series and even more setlists. Truly great music photography plus a huge directory of performers' websites and resources related to music in Australia... 
  • Lovro Artuković 4/16/06 
    Description: Art is stored in a Repository located in our common, collective Soul.
    Comments: Available in 3 languages, today's pick features the works (and thoughts) of Hungarian painter Lovro Artuković. "The first painter already contained in himself all those who were to come after him, just as the painter being born at this very moment contains in himself all those who preceded him." Art emerging from the collective Soul... of humanity. 
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