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  • SnakPak Dot Info 4/11/03 
    Description: a developing and leap-frogging sketchbook of ideas
    Comments: So.  What were they thinking when they created the .info top-level domain?  There's, the home page of the German Embassy in Washington, which bills itself as "Your German Information Source."  Seems to demonstrate an appropriate usage of the new suffix.  Today's pick is also a .info site.  It has all kinds of content, but it seems to be one guy's little creative playground and I'm not sure where the "info" comes in.  Then again, I may visit it one day and see that it's become an ecommerce site, selling little packets of vitamins and supplements and then it'll all make sense.  Silly?  Me?  I guess.  "What's So Funny About Peace, Love, and Information?"  You can't pin that one on me.  Those were Jim's words, not mine.  He's the guy behind today's pick, an odd assortment of amusements that I'll leave to you to explore.  Me?  I like the army of pink flamingoes myself.  Jim also once said, "Great Project (yours, I mean)!"  Exactly.  Right back at ya, Jim...
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