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prior listings

Please note: Our format changed as of 10/18/07 – see the front page and full archives for more recent listings. Thanks.

  • SeeSaw Magazine 2/24/06 
    Description: featuring international contemporary photography, found photography, photo-related essays, and interviews
    Comments: "We believe that the most powerful and compelling photography in made in response to reality itself; when it is inpired by the gravity of of experience, draws attention to what might otherwise go unnoticed, preserves what one marvels at in a moment, or evokes that which one feels should never be forgotten." Today's pick, a photography magazine, hopes to "present the art of photography at its finest" and they pull it off nicely in my opinion with interesting exhibits, essays, and interviews (though I do find it odd that images are used for all textual content). There's 3 issues in the archives besides the current one – they're all superb.  [Design(Radar]
  • Vectors 2/15/06 
    Description: an international journal that brings together visionary scholars with cutting-edge designers and technologists to propose a thorough rethinking of the dynamic relationship of form to content in academic research
    Comments: "Operating at the intersection of culture, creativity, and technology, the journal focuses on the myriad ways technology shapes, transforms, reconfigures, and/or impedes social relations..." From the Annenberg Center for Communication at USC comes this exploration into how "increasingly technologically-mediated existence" impacts society, politics, and culture. The current issue, Mobility, was about to be released when Katrina came around, casting its relevance "into surreal relief." Those with less access to mobility certainly suffered – the stakes were high. There's 7 projects featured in Mobility that'll make you think. And don't miss Vector Space – just click and drag to begin... 
  • 2/14/06 
    Description: information about the simplest image-creating device, its history, and sample photographs
    Comments: "You simply won't find a more natural and more magical way to take photographs." David's enthusiasm about pinhole cameras certainly shines through – he's been interested in them since his youth. "The creative freedom, experimental nature and atmosphere of photographs taken using the pinhole camera soon captivated me to such an extent that today I take photographs almost exclusively using this technique and I ended up selling my SLR camera." In addition to a wealth of information about the cameras and a gallery, David also provides a downloadable Windows program to help other enthusiasts calculate optimal pinhole diameter, focal length, and exposure times. Add a great related links page and you've got a site that's "definitely worth a visit." 
  • solaas 2/12/06 
    Description: interactive explorations in Flash and Java
    Comments: Leonardo's first Flash project, done in 2003, was intended "to play with simple forms and sounds to represent scenes with a minimum of elements." Road Play is simple but very cool in my opinion – an interesting precursor to more complex things to come. Like Dreamlines, a Java project done last April, where your choice of dream subject keywords provides an interactive visual experience. And on the fun side, be sure to check out the Orifice suite of 'applications' – the "abnormal cousins of a paint program and a word processor" – unpredictable and most amusing...;~))
  • Jaime Photo 2/11/06 
    Description: photography projects
    Comments: A quietly designed personal portfolio of photography and other visual works. I particularly like Institutions, Time, and Black and White, but all 8 projects are certainly worth checking out... 
  • Pulpo 2/8/06 
    Description: photoblog featuring street photography from Japan
    Comments: A Japanese photographer who shoots with film in black & white and goes by the name Jumpedforjoy is behind the photoblog. There's beautiful tokyo bay scapes and sunsets in the collection of photos and the street category is a great starting point. Some phenomenal pictures here... 
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