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International Corporation of Lost Structures 11/7/05 Description: still trying to connect you to our 9th-dimensional architectural space Comments: "ICOLS loves you." In all the years I've been doing this coolstop thing, I don't think I've ever worked so hard (and enjoyed it so much) trying to come up with a simple description for today's pick. After about 2 hours exploring countless pages, I finally settled for something said in a truly amusing .mp3 linked on Founder and Director Suzanne Treister's bio page. She founded the corporation back in 2000. Did I just say corporation? When's the last time you remember me reviewing a corporation's website? Okay, so it's a corporation, but not just any corporation. Where else you gonna find a Department of Revolutionary Nostalgia, a Local Unit of Missing Links, and an International Department of Local Aesthetics? Among the long list of staff, you'll find a Voodoo Therapist, Tea Person, Psychic Architect, and Guilt Adjuster. You'll also find an assortment of artworks and deep thoughts and even a picture of the office each person occupies. A little activism and art plus accounts of organizational events all over the world – total entertainment for the easily amused, yet ample fodder for those who like to think...;~))