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It's time for change at coolstop. The best of the cool daily pick has been a strictly daily thing for over 8 of the 10 years we've been online. The web has changed considerably over the years and finding new "cool" sites on a daily basis has become increasingly difficult and time-consuming. I've decided it's time to discontinue the best of the cool daily pick while I consider some new directions I have in mind for coolstop.

In the meantime, there's a ton of site reviews in the database and the archives will continue to be maintained. Coolstop's main page currently features a randomly selected favorite from the database. I've started with a few of my faves and will be busy building up the list over the next few weeks. I'll also be considering those new directions I've been thinking about.

Stay tuned here for new developments and maybe even a new find now and then. And please remember – "cool" is a highly subjective thing...;~))
Today's Pick 
"It's really hard to say what makes a good photograph or not, but I always feel it in my stomach when it's a good one," said young Swedish photographer Jesper Ulvelius in a recent interview (note: that magazine's main page spawns a pop-up). "Everybody has a story only they can tell- you just have to think about what that story is." His photographs artfully reveal moments in his life – stark glimpses of one's reality. You might also enjoy his diary... 

This coolstop site review is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Today's Pick 
"Photography has always been attractive to me but I am really starting from scratch as I hadn't touched anything else than a small compact digital camera since 1982..." Living in Paris, Elaine has been out to capture the everyday in pictures since launching the photoblog at the beginning of the year. Look – another spiral to add to the collection, not to mention great shots of a one-man band and a beautiful blur...;~)) 

This coolstop site review is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Today's Pick 
I like random. As in random cool for example (hope it lands you somewhere delightful). Or, as is the case for today's pick, random shots – might I suggest you use the Random link on the menu – it just might lead to something delightful... again and again.

This coolstop site review is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Today's Pick 
Reed Danziger seeks to bring order to "too much information" in her abstract paintings. "I'm always working towards that point of conflation in the painting where it provided over-information, but also perfect information." Payson had referred to "a moment of fit" at which time a painting emerges from its initially disordered state. As one reviewer of Reed's work puts it, "The ultimate satisfaction for Danziger comes in the final day or two of detailing the painting's surface, when the work begins to speak for itself." The intricate patterns and glorious colors found in Reed Danziger's works strike me as simply magical...

This coolstop site review is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
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