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Search results for:
  • pickone 2/4/03 
    Description: photography and Flash of David Hoffman and others
    Comments: One of David's "Family Members" was a daily pick here on 8/19/01.  It's still one of the best photography sites in the portal cool zone in my opinion.  Another of the member sites houses 2 of David's photographic series, all taken with a Nikon Coolpix880.  One of those series had 80 different shots you can send as e-cards and the photos are outstanding, in that series as well as in the "South Africa" series.  Considering the nice Flash interface, that site was going to be today's pick.  But after going back and exploring more of David's photos taken with various other cameras and several of his Flash pieces, plus the work of some other talented photographers, today's pick is definitely the right choice if I only wanna pick one.  It'll lead you to the whole family if you've got the time...  [linkdup]
  • 8/29/01 
    Description: the photography and art of Jan Schäfer and a place where other people can show their stuff too...
    Comments: I first saw the photography of Jan Schäfer when I visited pixelgraphy, the daily pick on 8/19/01.  One of his photos was the "photo of the month" for June at Daniela's site.  Though you'll find some excellent city scenes and other miscellaneous photos among the dozens in his gallery, it looks like Jan's subject of choice is people.  Some of his shots are a little fashion-oriented, but his emphasis is on facial expression more than anything else – those are the shots that I'm most fond of and find most memorable.  Jan, who's also a painter, has designed a number of CD covers – not commercially, but because he didn't like the covers on some of the CDs in his collection – an interesting motivation, if you ask me.  He's built a few other websites, and this one has a clean, simple design and perfect navigation.  Jan, a "mediadesigner" likes Filter, Stone Temple Pilots, and Garbage and dislikes "drunk and superficial people."  He also plays guitar.  I think I like this creative guy...
  • pixelgraphy 8/19/01 
    Description: photos by Daniela Börner
    Comments: What a glorious day it is!  Not only have I managed to add yet another great site with "pixel" in it's name (an obvious obsession with me), but I've also added yet another great photography site at the same time!  You don't really have to speak German to enjoy the site 'cause if you can't read the words, you still get the key content – the photography of Daniela Börner.  People, architecture, landscapes, and still life photos, nicely organized and presented – and the "special" section, unlike the others, has several Flash presentations.  I really liked the series of "trains" related photos and it's neat horizontally scrolling interface.  The color scheme of the site is different – strikes me as shades of "peach" – nice use of frames and perfect navigation, too.  Add the cool "photo of the month" feature where the user can vote on other peoples' submitted photos to the things I like about today's pick.  Pixels and photos, designer and photographer, all in one – nice site, Daniela!  [HSE7EN3 aka h73]

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