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"Hubbard Glacier" by Shawna Scherbarth
"Hubbard Glacier" by Shawna Scherbarth
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best of the cool daily picks
07/07–12/07  : :  01/07–06/07
07/06–12/06  : :  01/06–06/06  : :  07/05–12/05  : :  01/05–06/05
07/04–12/04  : :  01/04–06/04  : :  07/03–12/03  : :  01/03–06/03
07/02–12/02  : :  01/02–06/02  : :  07/01–12/01  : :  01/01–06/01
07/00–12/00  : :  01/00–06/00  : :  07/99–12/99  : :  01/99–06/99
07/98–12/98  : :  01/98–06/98  : :  1997

Please note: Our format changed as of 10/18/07 – see the front page and full archives for more recent listings. Thanks.

Some sites may contain strong language and/or mature content. Parental discretion encouraged.
  • a photo a day 12/28/02 
    an e-mail listserv. a website. a plethora of ideas.a supernova. a place to get constructive criticism. a home for work that you shot for you, not them. a constant source of inspiration. a photo community.
  • <no>circles</no> 12/18/02 
    Within the confines of this virtual space, cyclicality is deemed a violation of basic human sensibilities. cylindrical = mundane.
  • NINEAEM 12/11/02 
    where logic seems transcendent (Flash)
  • Radarboy 11/30/02 
    a collection of visual artifacts
  • 73553 11/24/02 
    graphic design showcase
  • FAVARICA 11/8/02 
    Interactive graffiti, painting and sculpture by Favarica, a french artist in outsider, raw art. Enjoy distorting these works with the mouse. (Flash) (mature content)
  • stereo-eros 11/7/02 
    a consistant entity which grows 3d chaotic realms that exist through dark energy in the ever expanding and contracting infinite universe (Flash)
  • lookupthere 10/6/02 
    a gallery of illustrations
  • Photomatisme 10/2/02 
    faces of anonymous websurfers
  • City Creator 9/1/02 
    build a unique city and send it to a friend as an ecard
  • We Come In Peace 8/19/02 
    some strange tales with some strange creatures (Flash)
  • storyabout 8/2/02 
    make and save anything you want with "16 balls" plus other works (Flash)
  • 7/22/02 
    I have much to learn.
  • infinite wheel 7/18/02 
    home of the Dub Selector (Flash)
  • 7/13/02 
    a goddess of disturbed tranquility
  • Ekosystem 7/3/02 
    about non hiphop graffiti including huge database of streets/trains pictures from all over the globe plus interviews and wallpapers

Copyright 1997-2024 © jenett webthings. Some rights reserved. For mature audiences.