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"Winter Cool" by Joe Jenett
"Winter Cool" by Joe Jenett
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best of the cool daily picks
07/07–12/07  : :  01/07–06/07
07/06–12/06  : :  01/06–06/06  : :  07/05–12/05  : :  01/05–06/05
07/04–12/04  : :  01/04–06/04  : :  07/03–12/03  : :  01/03–06/03
07/02–12/02  : :  01/02–06/02  : :  07/01–12/01  : :  01/01–06/01
07/00–12/00  : :  01/00–06/00  : :  07/99–12/99  : :  01/99–06/99
07/98–12/98  : :  01/98–06/98  : :  1997

Please note: Our format changed as of 10/18/07 – see the front page and full archives for more recent listings. Thanks.

Some sites may contain strong language and/or mature content. Parental discretion encouraged.
  • Paul S. Amundsen 6/28/00 
    The Norwegian photojournalist exhibits his works.
  • hit-or-miss 6/25/00 
    the weblog and personal journal of Matthew Kingston
  • 6/16/00 
    reclaiming the city (mature content)
  • prolific 2000 6/14/00 
    in the port of amsterdam..."the magical web. It swept me up and pulled me in"
  • The Alternative Museum 6/10/00 
    provides a global forum where all nations celebrate and embrace their artistic and cultural differences
  • onfocus 6/5/00 
    absent minded digital recreation
  • Head-Space 5/28/00 
    a cooperative non-commercial creative weird-space
  • antitext 5/24/00 
    antitext megapowerful corporation, a subsidiary of the Global Garbage Networks
  • Netbaby 5/23/00 
    An online game community..."The user will feel happy during and after taking part in a Netbaby activity. Consistently no Netbaby product will contain sex or violence.
  • 5/14/00 
    "it's my obsession, my inspiration, my haven, my playground and, sometimes, the biggest pain in my ass."
  • e-poets network 5/7/00 
    poets, artists, writers, and performers who embrace the electronic media as a venue and home for their art
  • Invisible City Productions 5/5/00 
    a collective of artists, writers, game designers, and zine editors, who provide this as a space for the creators of secret media to come together and touch antennae
  • bugbios 5/1/00 
    "aims to help you really see insects for the miniature marvels they represent and to understand how intertwined our cultures have become with these alien creatures"
  • design:project 4/29/00 
    graphic & web design, art and photography
  • linkdup 4/17/00 
    world wide web stimulus: the best designed sites collected rated and cross-referenced, for creatives, developers, marketers and enthusiasts
  • Sergio's f-stop 3/23/00 
    Ortiz has an artist's eye, seeing images that appear before the rest of us and yet go completely unnoticed.
  • Gonzo Land 3/20/00 
    Gonzo began as a photo-agency and quickly took aim at spreading it's interests within the cultural and digital landscape.
  • 3/13/00 
    This funny and humorous site has great banners, art, and demotivational phrases to lighten up your workday.
  • Netdiver Network 3/12/00 
    a new media resource and freelance community
  • sadandotcom 3/8/00 
    Personal website of Meir Sadan, a 17 year old living in Israel - features a journal, photos and free type
  • Live from the Estuary 3/7/00 
    Take a virtual field trip to the estuary without getting your feet wet!
  • halfbakery 3/4/00 
    whatever you can think of - a communal database of ideas and inventions, edited by everybody who wants to
  • black hand 2/25/00 
    viral overflow: personal webspace and showcase of creative works
  • 2/24/00 
    home of The Secret Garden of Mutabor, an online adventure puzzle and showcase of design and illustration
  • 2/13/00 
    ryan's virtual playpen - the tallest site on this great web of ours
  • Fairvue Central 2/1/00 
    The features and elements of Nikolai Nolan
  • gallery of dutch freelance photographer includes work from nepal, india, morocco, jordan, ireland and the netherlands
  • 1/16/00 
    the photographs of Rob Huibers
  • dangergraphics 1/13/00 
    design and illustration portfolio of a college instructor who teaches animation and multimedia product creation
  • sountain 1/12/00 
    "all matter is speed and flame"
  • Laudator 1/11/00 
    Computer illustrator based in Paris, France. Illustration, photomontage, photo collage, digital image and graphic creation.
  • Donald Roller Wilson 1/1/00 
    "Alive with spirit, they peer out from the surreal landscapes of their canvases with eyes which bare their simian, canine, and feline souls, and invite us to share in their reverie... or their revelry, as the case often warrants."

Copyright 1997-2023 © jenett webthings. Some rights reserved. For mature audiences.