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randomWalks 10/10/03 Description: a group weblog Comments: Though "a group weblog" is a simple, accurate description, I like Adam's more creative way of describing the site. "A creature with a thousand arms and eyes, making love with itself and reaching back as far as creation and forward to the very end of time." He launched the site back in late 1999, not only "to become famous" (don't we all?), but also to "rope his friends into finding new things for him to look at every day." There's 12 other "editors" besides Adam, providing content in literally dozens of different categories.So far this month, there's been posts to love, living, politics, kerouac, media, poetry, music, books, apple, macfilter, war, drugs, (anti)capitalism, cartoons, cinema, fluffy, l.a., porn, public space, punk, quotes, sex, the arts, wisdom, words. and race, to give you an idea as to the variety. "We dislike war, racism, prisons, privilege and ignorance," says Adam, speaking for the group. I wouldn't like the blog nearly as much if it was too heavy in a single category, like politics or technology. I like the variety and the group pulls it off well – a nice mix. There's also assorted quick links ("Flux") and "Headlines" on the sidebar.As far as the site's design goes, I like the random images above each day's posts. A subtle, tiled background pattern and the randomized graphics add flavor to the page and the color scheme and layout are also visually appealing. The site renders slightly better in Mozilla than in IE6 (which has known bugs in handling background colors, thank you) but looks nice in both browsers. Browse by date, category, or title and enjoy... [discovered while playing BlogShares]
BlogShares 8/10/03 Description: fantasy blog share market Comments: Okay. I gotta get something outta my system today. Maybe it's because I just can't get the site outta my system that it's time to make sure it's listed here at coolstop. And Sunday's a good day to do it, when things are quiet, 'cause Lord knows I use quite enough of Seyed's bandwidth already. It's not the type of site I typically review but it certainly is special. If you haven't heard of the site yet, I wish you a safe journey back from whatever planet you've been on...I've been spending at least 1-2 hours a day there for the last few months. It's more fun than any other site I've frequented. Did I say fun? Let me rephrase that. Addictive! That's what it is. It's caught on like wildfire with thousands playing the game. I love it and have to recognize it for what it is – a truly unique website. And while I'm at it, counting my phony moolah, let me mention that what it's really about is helping people find new and interesting websites, which it does quite well in the context of the game. That's what I call cool. I want to be sure to point out that you don't have to pay to play, unless of course, you just can't enough of it like me. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go call my accountant...